The Secret Of The Strangest Secret

With all the hype and publicity about “The Secret” nowadays I thought I’d take a few moments and let you know about “The Secret” from the 1950s. The Strangest Secret was originally a CD recording by Earl Nightingale given to a seminar of insurance agents in his absence while he was away on vacation. It went on to sell a million records with very little publicity and some say became the foundation of the personal development industry.

So what’s the Strangest Secret anyways?

The Strangest Secret is that, “we become what we think about.” That’s it. The beauty is it’s simplicity. It’s like Ernest Hemingway’s “fewest best words” writing style. If that was all that the message said, that would be enough.

Earl Nightingale was not the first to discover this message either. Many of the great thinkers of our past had made a similar discovery of how our thoughts affect our lives. This goes for both positive thoughts and negative thoughts as well. Norman Vincent Peale in the Power of Positive Thinking made a similar discovery and helped millions change their thoughts and habits and lead better lives. Plastic surgeon and author Maxwell Maltz explained all about how our thoughts and self image had a lasting impact on our results in life in his book Psycho-Cybernetics.

So how do we become what we think about?

The Strangest Secret is that we become what we think about. What exactly does that mean and how does that affect you? If all you feed your mind is negative thoughts and feelings of sorrow and how you never get a break in life, you shouldn’t be surprised when you never get a break in life or get stuck on all the red lights when you’re already late for work. It’s because that’s all your thinking about and what you think about you attract.

If you think about negativity, you will attract it. If you think about positivity, that’s precicesly what you’ll get. That’s the way the law of attraction works.

The one concrete idea that Earl uses to get this message across is that your brain is a field and you can choose to plant corn which is a healthy crop or you can plant nightshade which is a deadly poison. Which would you rather plant? This is what you do when you feed your mind with negative or positive thoughts. If you think negatively you will be essentially poisoning yourself day after day as long as you keep thinking this way. So you have to plant better crops or thoughts if you want to get more out of life.

But, on the flip side, if you think positively and fill your brain with positive thoughts and seeds you can expect to get positive results in your life. It won’t happen overnight. It didn’t take you a day to form a habit and it will take more than a day to form a new positive habit of thinking positively and reaching your goals.

So the secret of The Strangest Secret is that you will become what you think about and that if you think bad things keep happening to you they will and vice versa. It’s amazing how much control we actually have over our life and our own circumstances. And if you don’t like the circumstances in your life now, there’s a way to change them too…

Intensifying Your Relationship With Conversational Hypnosis Techniques

Every kind of method to make it more efficient and effectual would require a person to make use of different techniques to produce greater results. conversational hypnosis technique is mainly consists of methods in adapting and modifying a person’s subconscious mind. These techniques comprise of an array of languages both orally and gestured form of communication, the intonation of voice, word choice, and other conversational cues. Conversational hypnosis techniques are gaining popularity from all parts of the world making it more accessible to a large number of people. This has specifically helped different professionals whether marketers, teachers, businessmen, and even public speakers.

If you are a kind of person who has lived a difficult life due to your inability to persuade other people, then this kind of program is definitely considered as one of the most effective techniques that can really produce good results. Exploring the power of conversational hypnosis would be more apt in making this kind of technique a reliable and efficient one. A lot of people have used this program and have been satisfied with the results. This is gleaned to be a kind of technique that has the capacity to change the way you view your life in general.

Due to its favorable outcome, this kind f program entitles a person and any user to give specific forms of conversational hypnosis. Using a series of simple methods, you can easily learn and master conversational hypnosis to take control of all the things around you. These techniques have proven its exceptional and excellent benefits for any person who has come across with this kind of technique and is able to apply it on his daily living.

If there will be any individual interested in learning different conversational hypnosis techniques then this would be a good way of charging up your business sales. You can do this by simply implementing different ways. You can go to a hypnosis workshop or buy a distance learning program online. This can be in the form of an audio sound, video or a manuscript and blue print for you to practice your conversational hypnosis.

The use of conversational hypnosis in your daily life is a good way of organizing a daily living. This calls for the proper use of languages, the intonation of voice as well as the other gestures that you use in conversational hypnosis. Remember to make full use of this kind of technique in making it a lot more feasible for you to master this kind of technique.

Some of the several things that you should consider in a conversational hypnosis technique are that fact that the use of conversational hypnosis will serve as your gateway in establishing good relationship among people and boosting up your profit in an early time. When the course is completed, you will be able to influence people you come across with through the power of your words. Remember that this kind of e-book will be used to good things and something that will benefit a large number of people with the special integration of conversational hypnosis techniques in your everyday conversations.